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Know Yourself
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Mentally BECOME
CONSCIOUS We all strive to achieve and maintain wholeness. Some consciously,
others unconsciously stumble across flashes of enlightenment. It has taken
over a decade of personal growth, hundreds of bodywork sessions, a marriage
with my soul-mate, and birthing two children, to fully turn all my lights
on! Now you ask…How do you acquire, maintain and utilize awareness,
to have it all? Walk in my shoes, and learn my secrets for establishing
health, wealth and wisdom. THINK FIRM To overcome the "little voice" talking in your head saying, that exercise is painful, you must make it a pleasurable task in your mind’s eye. Think of several reasons why working out is pleasurable, such as:
GET MOTIVATED Utilize others methods of exercise such as pilates aerobic activities, polarity exercises, kick-boxing, cycling, ballet, biokinesiology and free hand weights. BREATH THIN THOUGHTS Breath-work helps release the toxins from the lymphatic system. Make certain that breath work is a part of your daily regimen. Also, eating 65% of water based foods such as: fruits, vegetables (ideally uncooked) and plenty of water to drink enhance vitality. SET FEASIBLE
GOALS Integrate at least one hour on focused yoga weekly. I can find
time to work out five to six times per week with a five and three year
old. When the body is out of shape, so is the mind! SIMPLE YET SEXY Look for ways to feel hot! Wear a g-string in your workout outfit. It makes your rear view look fit and firm. Find out your season: spring-bright colors, summer-muted pastel some rich tones, fall-earthly tones, winter-stark colors even blacks. Emotionally LISTEN
INSIDE Your have 50,000 thoughts per day, how many do you program?
What are you saying to your body daily? Learn to listen through yoga,
walks and quiet time. Dr. Randolph Stone, presents in Health Building,
“When the energy currents are out of balance, we experience physical,
mental and emotional symptoms of discomfort, pain and sickness. Ninety
per cent of pain is emotional. Therefore, take the time and listen
to your body’s needs. ENJOY NATURE If you are over-emotional, go for a nature walk. Or, if you have a difficult discussion to make with someone where there might be some animosity – meet and talk outside. PATIENCE PLEASE Focus on the essence of what you want. Instead of saying I want more money, think of what it will give you such as: independence, freedom or peace. Or, if you want a more fit body think of what will it give you: confidence - self-assurance or joy; a relationship - love; a social life - joy and fun. Focus on the essence everyday. PRACTICE CREATIVE GRATITUDE Take a moment everyday to reflect on what you could do today to gives thanks to someone who is helping you to go forward. It may be a note, a special gift, a book, a listening ear or a prayer. Become conscious of how certain “special angels/people” help you everyday to live a happier and richer life. Spiritually RECHARGE Take the time to reflect before falling asleep and before totally waking up. MENTORS Find mentors that you want to MIRROR. People mirror/reflect to you daily what you need to look at in yourself in order to evolve. RADIATE A YOUTHFUL GLOW Remember that growing old is optional. You can radiate joy and love everyday if you focus on love and joy everyday. It sounds simple but try it first! The results will sell you on the concept. RECONNECT After intensive yoga sessions or body-work you experience a centered and calm state where clarity comes easy. Connect on a daily basis with God. This does not mean pleading for what you want but listening and following through with the guidance you receive. While meditating over a period of two months, I was guided to move to an area in Colorado. Within one week of arriving, I met the man I would marry the following year. Financially GIVE & RECEIVE Just like learning polarity (energy balancing) or yoga for your body, mind and spirit, you must become FINANCIALLY LITERATE to increase your cash flow. All of Robert Kiyosaki’s books and board games are well worth the investment. In Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki states that the best idea he can leave the reader with is to give. "Whenever you feel 'short'or in 'need'of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity is true, and I give what I want. I want money, so I give money, and it comes back in multiples…. God does not need to receive, but humans need to give." GIVE & RECEIVE! CASH FLOW Suze Orman states her definition of the Law of Money as, "If you are not overly attached to what you want, you will attain it." Money, energy flows to a calm, centered individual. CASH COW Work with AFFIRMATIONS such as, "I have hundreds of dollars." Then, "I have thousands of thousands of dollars."Next, "I have ten's of thousands of dollars" and "I have hundreds of thousands of dollars." Remember it is best to develop at a pace that your energy can match. Learning some Feng Shui is another method that I have utilized to bring increased harmony in your home. REAL ESTATE REWARDS As an avid real estate investor, I review property with two purposes. First, for cash flow whether a house, duplex, apartment complex or commercial building. It must create cash flow after all the expenses, loan interest amount, taxes, insurances, repairs etc. Next, I see if by improving the structure or rezoning the property if I can increase the value from 50% to 350% Return on Investment (ROI). If it costs me $20 k down payment then I review my upside - will it produce $40K a 200% ROI. If so, I buy! TITHE We need to TITHE to our spiritual source of nourishment, whether a church, practitioner, healer or author. This honors Spirit and follows the Universal Law of Giving & Receiving. TAX MATTERS If you have any desire to start a business or currently have a S or C Corporation, this thought might motivate you to pursue having a business. In Section 179 it states that you can write off a vehicle (not have to depreciate). Check with your accountant about the details. The vehicle must weight 6,000 Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW). A Mercedes ML, a Yukon and a Tahoe, etc. these all qualify. Look on my website for tax tips for business owners. www.ultimateprosperityplanners.com
Energy Exercises Click on the pictures for details:
Jayne Coley, R.P.P., a personal coach, is sharing her "Prosperity Secrets" - An amazing method that reveals incredible secrets of how you can become Motivated, Healthy & Vibrant, Very Rich and Deeply Spiritual --Guaranteed! The program includes 8 dynamic audio CD's, a 165 pg workbook with meditations and energy exercises. |
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