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History of Business by Jayne Coley, R.P.P. Over the years there have been many psychological and business models utilized to explain human behavior and economic activity. For instance, Maslow's hierarchy of needs helped individuals understand the psychology of why we do what we do. Stuart Wilde utilizes a similar model that compares how most couples relate to each other. Most people are stuck in the emotional and physical lower levels. Psychological
Models Time Dan Sullivan's model is the antithesis to the industrial model. As an entrepreneurial coach, Sullivan stresses thinking and operating in 90-day blocks. These blocks are separated into what he calls "Free", "Focus", and "Buffer" days. On
a free day, you totally unwind and engage in activities
that are not at all work-related.
You either have time or money, as Robert Kiyosaki of RICH DAD POOR DAD suggests. The model in Kiyosaki's material highlights the importance of seeing four different quadrants including employee, self-employed, business owner and investor.
Most business models primarily come from an ego and will-driven perspective, including an intellectual stand-point. This type of model does not incorporate the emotional and spiritual (heart-centered) side of each of us. Yes, there will be elements of emotion and heart-felt moments in business, but the true, untapped strength lies in connecting the spiritual or heart-centered energy, with the business energy. If you can learn to do business from a heart-centered position with calm emotions, keeping the ego, will and intellect busy in a purposeful way, then your prosperity will begin to skyrocket. A Complete and Whole System Incorporating Spiritual Practices In the early part of the 20th century, Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner, developed a model of community living focused on balancing the mind, ego, emotions and will to produce a heart-centered individual. Rhythmic cycles are stressed in all of Steiner's models. One of the rhythmic cycles Steiner spoke of was something he called an "in breath" and an "out breath." When you come inward you are nurturing yourself through such practices as eating, quiet time and inward reflection. An out breath is what most of us do too much of everyday-working, physical activity or even intense mental/intellectual concentration. These in/out breaths can be incorporated into business practices by thinking of 2-hour blocks for work and 15 to 30 minutes for reflection and nurturing. The cycle is then repeated throughout the day. Steiner also developed a model to identify body styles and personal temperaments that is similar to Randolph Stone's polarity therapy version. What is Polarity? Polarity is a youth enhancing therapy. Dr. Randolph Stone, D.C. D.O., (1890-1981) formulated this natural health system. Polarity therapy encompasses using pressure points, eating fresh and raw food along with proper food quantities and combinations. Imbalances and illnesses are traced back to thoughts. Therapy techniques include: reflexology, muscular & structural alignment, massage, cranio-sacral, energy exercises, subconscious programming through the use of affirmations, rebirthing or vivation breath work, and left/right brain balancing. Structural, functional, and physiological results are produced after receiving polarity therapy.
Practical Business and Spiritual Practices:
has been practiced for centuries. It is a "big frog to swallow"
as Streton Smith states in his 4T Prosperity Program. Tithing is where
you give 10% of your gross income to the spiritual source of your nourishment
and growth. For many centuries, this was the church. Now this model
has been expanded to include giving to spiritual tutors and mentors,
spiritual course presenters and the church. It is best to limit tithing
to two or three distribution channels. This will ensure you do not dissipate
the energy and purpose of tithing. Tithe to priests, ministers, places
of worship, spiritual leaders, presenters and spiritual mentors. These
individuals or groups need time to develop spiritually. If the organization
or spiritual leader is totally focused on the material world, how could
they ever take the time to continue their own spiritual development?
ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR SPIRITUAL MENTORS & SPIRITUAL CENTERS If you do not acknowledge and treasure your spiritual awareness, by giving back, the gift will eventually be taken away possibly as an unexpected expense. Robert Kiyosaki from RICH DAD POOR DAD puts it succinctly, "It is not God who needs to give but man." Catherine Ponder a prolific prosperity writer and Unity Church minister sites 6 reasons for tithing. In her book, THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY these six reasons are:
Do not underestimate what a gift it is to make wise decisions, and to have clarity, focus and direction. Recently we sold our personal residence. The buyers wanted a fast close and this caused a chain reaction. First, we had to find another home. Second, with only two weeks before close on our personal residence, we knew a temporary residence would be necessary. For 10 days, I was tested. I did not have my regular clarity, or so it seemed. We immediately found a new home to purchase, but could not close and move in for three weeks. My clarity about where to move temporarily did not surface until the last moment. However, my spiritual connection kept me calm, centered and faithful that the end result would present itself in a timely fashion. Fearful, Uncertain, Desperate vs. Clear, Focused, Directed Yes, an amazing furnished home, overlooking a castle and a mountain range did present itself, but in its own sweet time. I feel it was a test and a moment of realization of why many people seek my services. Helping people to become clear, focused and gain direction has a meaningful purpose. The experience of selling our home and locating another one also made me realize the importance of pursuing and practicing discipline everyday in my spiritual practices. Without this awareness, clarity and direction, it is difficult to keep your balance - emotionally, financially, and mentally. The little voice inside your head can either push the desired results away from you or close to you. Another spiritual exercise is to develop your intuition and clarity.
Timing, Patience, Faith, Hope and Trust - Spiritual Elements When you want to develop a new business or multiply your profits in an existing business or investment, include some of these spiritual principles and you will instantly see results in all areas of your life. If
you want More Time
More Money
. and More Heart
, Follow
These Practices And Reap The Rewards! "Prosperity Secrets" is a program that includes personal and business coaching combined with spiritual principles to help you live the life of your dreams! |
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