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Holly Hogue
uses prosperity concepts such as lists and chart making as well as her understanding of the Enneagram personalities to assist people in finding their perfect mates or developing fulfilling relationships.Check out a relationship list made by Ronda Carty after taking a relationship seminar with Holly.

The MostGifted Psychics
are experts – tested and screened – in astrology, relationships, past life readings, clairvoyance and many more psychic disciplines. They can provide you valuable and life changing insight into your relationships, your career, your loved ones, your financial well-being and the paths you should take.

Poochie Myers
The myths of old describe to us how we actually live. It’s not easy to see ourselves and it is especially difficult to understand our relationships. Poochie travels around the world offering numerous workshops including "Male Female and Relationships and How to Enjoy Them"

Love, Unconditional Love by Poochie Myers

A Relationship List Or Better Times Ten! by Ronda Carty
You Deserve These Cards!
by Holly and Rick Hogue and Poochie Myers
You Deserve These Cards

By asking for something in a positive manner and believing that You Deserve what you're asking for, an affirmation or two helps you manifest what you want much more quickly, or better times ten! You will always select the most appropriate affirmation for you. The deck of cards are $15 and each purchase helps support the Prosperity web site.

P.O. Box 18304
Louisville KY 40261
(502) 454-4967
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