"An opening of your mind and matter to your body and being. An alignment of awareness. Learning how to eliminate future negative elements or dispose of negativity." |
Ronda |
"It gave me a feeling of freedom from past situations and helped me to start building on positives rather than dwelling on negatives." |
Rick |
"I learned about relationships with myself, my family and friends. It helped me understand the Universal Law of Energy. Now I feel connected to and take responsibility for my life." |
Paul |
"Emotional balance integration. Unlocking creativity and self-understanding. Removing energy blocks that allow for more pro-active action or progress." |
Carri |
"RoHun therapy gave me the opportunity to identify aspects of myself which had formed as defense mechanisms in the past and react differently. Day-to-day situations which create questions now provide me with really good answers, because I'm operating from my heart." |
Gloria |
"...It was an incredible experience and one that I know will have a positive and lasting influence on me in this life (and I'm certain, other lives I can't account for — at the moment, at least).... With peace, strength and courage restored; with home reestablished; with harmony, wisdom and love back in perspective; with my guides again visually within my access; with the messages from wisdom as the stepping stones along my path; and with my new relationship with my higher being, I look forward to the future and moving along the paths ahead. I have no need to hide or be ashamed of anything in my past. I feel far more comfortable with myself than I have any time in recent memory...." |
Clem |
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