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Once Upon A Time In The Year 2004 |
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by Bill Ellis In October 2003 two friends of mine (Joyce Sprake and Ann Randal) went to Brazil to stay in a healing sanctuary for two weeks. On their return they told of fantastic feats of healing carried out by one man whilst in a trance state. The mans name is Joao de Deus and he works in The Casa de Dom Inacio situated in a small village called Abaiania in the Brazilian interior. My two friends said they would like to go back again and if they could get enough people interested, would like to take a small group with them. The group was duly formed which included my wife, Sue, and myself . The date of the trip was set for the 19th. April 2004 and was to last for three weeks. Sue and I had about four months to prepare for the trip, so we were going to be well prepared -- werent we? After all we knew all about this healing stuff, being Master/Teachers in several energy healing modalities such as Chios, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Focal Touch Healing etc. How wrong can you be?. Nothing could prepare us for what was to follow. After 27 hours of travel we reached our Pousada (Hotel) in Abadiania which turned out to be only 150 yards from the Casa. The weather was, for me, very hot but with a pleasant breeze. I could feel a tingling sensation in my body which I had felt several times before, ever since I had decided to come to the Casa. Our watches had been turned back 4 hours and it was 1pm. Our lunch, which was a buffet type, was awaiting us. The food could not be faulted in any way.
Well fed and ready for anything we were led by our intrepid leaders down the road to the Casa.. There was hardly any activity as it was Tuesday and the Casa only has healing activity on three days a week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On the other days the Casa grounds are open until 7pm or 4pm on Sunday.
On passing through the gates you can see the main Casa buildings on your right and in front of you, at the far end of the car park, is a small annex building. This building serves several purposes shop selling books, crystals, jewelry bottles of blessed water which you are strongly advised to drink during your stay in Brazil. Tickets for the crystal beds can be obtained here. Most importantly, tickets for the various lines to see the Entity are obtained here. The best place to start a tour of the Casa grounds is by the flower gardens which contain the bust of Dom Inacio, which rests on a pedestal in a beautiful garden that has flowers planted from all over the country: the Garden of All Places. Dom Inacios bust was surrounded by little offerings, and I noticed that occasionally someone would stop before it, offer a prayer, and occasionally weep a bit.
![]() Bust of Dom Inacio in Flower Garden Next to the flower garden was the soup area a long covered verandah with rows of tables and benches. We were told that after each morning session, everyone was served a hardy vegetable soup free of charge that was part of the treatment of the Casa. The soup was made with great love and prayers by several people, and blessed and energized by the entities to fortify everyone and add to their healing process.
Across the garden from the soup area was another small building painted white with a blue border at the bottom like all the other Casa buildings. This building turned out to be where people received their crystal baths (beds). These are not baths in the ordinary sense, but rather, energy and chakra-balancing treatments using crystals, light and sound.
During our tour of the Casa grounds we came across a small room next to the main hall of the Casa. The room was piled high with crutches, canes and wheelchairs that had been left behind by those who had been healed through the work of the entities! In a second section of that room, the walls were covered with photos and other items of interest One of the photos was of Joao with Chico Xavier, probably Brazils most famous Spiritualist medium of written knowledge, whose many books on metaphysics are well known throughout the world. It was Chico Xavier who had told Joao over twenty years ago that it was finally time for the latter to establish his own healing center, and that he should do so in the town of Abadiania because of the powerful energy running through the earth in that location. The village sits on thousands of tons of crystal of various types, but mainly quartz. Joao followed his direction, and I was now standing in that very place that had been suggested by Chico Xavier. On the walls of the same room were also a number of certificates honoring Joao and his work: certificates from various spiritual centers, churches and Umbanda temples. Umbanda is an Afro-Brazilian spiritual healing path that is also mediumistic in nature.
By the time we had finished looking into this small room of miracles with its pile of discarded crutches and wheelchairs and photos of miraculous healings, my mind was even more open to what I might be about to witness and experience over the next three weeks. We were next shown an assembly area adjacent to the main hall where, at 7:15 next morning, we would meet an English speaking interpreter. He would translate our ailments into Portuguese and write them on a slip of paper. We would then hand this paper to another interpreter who would be with the Entity when we met. Next morning at 7:15 all of our group, properly attired in white garments, assembled to meet our interpreter whose name turned out to be Arturo. During our wait some of our group reported the tingling and slight swimming sensation. Others told us that this was common as the Entities were scanning us. It was soon my turn to tell Arturo my ailments macular degeneration , an eye complaint that impairs the sight , arthritis and diabetes. The paper was given to me which I put together with my First Time ticket obtained from the Casa shop. I was told to sit in the main hall and wait for the First Time line to be called. When I first entered the hall, I looked around at the other people already gathering there. The majority of them were Brazilian, and looked to be from all walks of life and social status, with the varied hues of white, black and Indian racial blending typical of Brazil, the rest were Europeans, Americans and Canadians.. Many were in wheelchairs or on crutches. Some, with their white canes, were blind. There were elderly people, young people, babies in their mothers arms, children of all ages, most very quiet and respectful. Some people had obvious physical deformities, like large lumps on their skin or swelling of the head; some were obviously limping. Others seemed to have neurological illnesses that resulted in them shouting out every now and then. I sat down on one of the comfortable leather clad seats, closed my eyes, and was immediately drawn into that same deep state of meditation with its unusual pulsing that I had experienced repeatedly since deciding to make the journey to Brazil and the Casa de Don Inacio. I realized that this place and the Entities that worked here were undoubtedly the source of this particular energy. I also felt that the Entities must have somehow tuned in to me the moment I made the decision to come here, and perhaps had even begun working on me from that day on. Over the days that followed, after talking to many others at the Casa, I have concluded that this was probably true, as others too have had experiences of the Entities beginning to work on them.
Occasionally, as I sat in the hall, I would interrupt my meditation, open my eyes and look around to see if the session was beginning. It wasnt, but one thing I noticed was a line of people waiting to go up on the stage. One person at a time would walk to the wall at the back of the stage, upon which hung a large wooden triangle. Often they would slip a piece of paper into the bottom edge of the triangle, then, close their eyes, rest their forehead on the part of the wall surrounded by the triangle, and begin to pray. I learned later that the slips of paper were requests for healing for loved ones that were unable to be present physically at the Casa. The line moved slowly, with no one trying to speed up the prayers of their fellow human beings. Some were obviously weeping as they prayed. The energy of faith and hope permeating the room was a tangible force and growing moment by moment as the opening of the morning session approached. After about fifteen minutes of alternating between watching people and experiencing the, trance-like state each time I closed my eyes, Sebastiao or Tiao, as he is called with affection stepped onto the small, raised stage at the front of the hall and began the orientation speech. Tiao is a small, roly-poly man who looks like an earthbound angel and who is an ex-seminary student and the official secretary of the Casa. He has worked with Joao for many years, helping in numerous ways to sustain the daily functioning of the Casa. Once he had told everyone a bit about the herbs that might be prescribed by Joao in entity and of the accompanying diet, Tiao asked for a show of hands of all those present who had been told by the entity at an earlier time to have a spiritual operation during this afternoons session. Those people were then asked to get in a line, after which Tiao led them through the door to the right of the stage. I learned later that they were being taken to the operating room, a simple room with rows of seats, where they would sit and receive their invisible operations at the skilled and guiding hands of the Entities.
When they had left the main hall, several other people stepped onstage and made speeches. I couldnt understand any of what they said, given my lack of knowledge of Portuguese, and so I simply closed my eyes and drifted back into the trance-like meditation state that kept pulling me inward. Finally, the woman who was speaking asked us all to close our eyes, join hands with the people on each side of us, stand and recite The Lords Prayer in English and Portuguese. We were then asked to form lines according to the type of ticket we were holding First Time, Second Time, Revue or 8 o clock line. On this occasion, the second time line was first, followed by the first time line of which I was a member. We filed through the door to the right of the stage. When I reached the door I handed in my first time ticket and stepped into the room beyond. What met me was a complete shock. There were lots of people ( I estimated 60) sitting in meditation or silent prayer on neat rows of leather clad seats. This room turned out to be The First Current room. We filed through into a second room and turned at right angles left up a central isle. This room, the Second Current room was much bigger than the first room and contained about 100 people in meditation. The energy in these rooms was overpowering. At the head of the isle sat Joao with Entity in a comfortable armchair. My wife was in front of me in the line and she was called forward by the interpreter to meet the Entity. She handed her paper to the interpreter who spoke with the Entity. He wrote something on a further slip of paper, handed both slips back to her and directed her to yet a further room to meditate on our left. This room turned out to be the personal Current Room of the Entities and I was to spend many hours here in the coming weeks. Now it was my turn. I handed my slip to the interpreter who consulted with the Entity. He wrote some symbols on a slip of paper and gave both pieces back to me, muttered the words herbs and medicine and then I was guided out of the building, through the Third Current room, where my wife was, through a further room which was the operations room and out into the fresh air. One member of our group, Jean, was told she would receive an invisible operation during the Friday morning session and to spend as much time as she could in the Current rooms. The other eight members of the group were told to start taking their herbs right away, spend as much time as possible in Current and go back in line as Second Timers on Friday morning. Current rooms, what are they and what is their purpose? The Portuguese word for current is corrente (co hen chee) which also means chain. As all life is connected in the Unified Field, one can see how the word chain comes in. We are all connected and what one does affects all of the others. The other meaning, current, can be explained in electrical terms, as we are all connected, current will flow through us all. When you are directed to sit in current, you enter the rooms forty five minutes before the start of the morning or afternoon sessions and you will be told which room to sit in. You are also told to sit with feet on floor not touching each other, hands on lap with palms up not touching each other and to keep the eyes closed at all times during the session. If you break any of these rules, the energy being used by the Entities will be disturbed and weakened. Strategically placed in all of the current rooms are powerful mediums dispersed amongst the dozens and dozens of meditating patients. In this way the energy for use by the Entities is raised to an overpowering level. It is common for the ones meditating to receive general healing and sometimes operations during the session. Now for the meditation. Just remember the words of a great Sage spoken a few thousand years ago, By doing nothing, everything is achieved. I just sat still as directed. My mind was very active, how long was the grass back home? Whats going to happen next? And so on, but it didnt seem to matter for suddenly I felt a pulsing in my back and up to my neck. I thought, thats a pleasant sensation. Then I found that by raising my hands up from my lap so that they were not supported in any way, my hands started to pulsate up and down in unison very rapidly and then alternately. Then they started to make patterns in the air in front of me. It was possible to stop this pulsating at will but if I did stop the pulsating, my arms and hands felt very heavy and then went light again if I allowed the pulsation to continue. As I couldnt resist the temptation to have a little peek, I noticed that the majority of people sitting in current were pulsating. I spent Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning in current, had a rest on Thursday afternoon waiting in eager anticipation for my next meeting with the Entity on Friday morning. No Photography is allowed in the current rooms whilst a session is in progress.
The current of the Casa de Dom Inacio is a powerful resource for personal
healing, for spiritual growth and for enhancing ones own healing
abilities. Over the past twenty-plus years, probably hundreds of thousands
if not more people have sat there just as I have. Everyones
experience is unique, and we cannot compare ours with anyone elses.
For those who are blessed to be able to make the journey to the Casa,
I encourage you to spend as much time as you can in the current. No matter
how uncomfortable or restless or distracted you may be in any given session,
have faith that you are being given an incredible opportunity by being
able to simply be there. Pray for yourself and others, do what you can
to quiet your mind, ask for healing and guidance, and then do your best
to surrender to this Divine current and the loving And when you return
home from your journey and wish to continue your contact with the entities
and their work, simply sit on a chair with your hands and legs uncrossed.
You might want to place your hands resting palms up on your thighs if
this is the position in which you usually sit in the current. Ask the
entities to be with you. Then close your eyes, see yourself there in the
current room of the Casa, and you will be there in spirit. I have done
this myself on numerous occasions in order to reconnect with the energy
there. It is simple, it is real, and it works.
At 7:30 on Friday morning I took a seat in the main hall holding my second time ticket and a new slip of paper from Arturo with my ailments written in Portuguese. I watched Jean go through the door to the operating room with the others having operations that morning. It was soon my turn to file past the Entity. I handed my slip to the interpreter who passed it to Joao with entity. The Entity looked at me and in perfect English said Come for operation at 2:00 this afternoon go and sit in my current. When the session was over, I drank the given blessed water and went to the dining area for my soup. Only Pat and I were to be given operations, the others, including my wife, were to sit in current and return to the line next Wednesday. After a perfect lunch, here I was back in the main hall with Pat and about another dozen people waiting to be called in for our operations. Those having operations were called forward together with our group leader, Ann, who was allowed to accompany us. I had read that most of the entities that work through Joao were spirits of departed doctors or other healing practitioners or great spiritual masters that wished to continue using their skills to serve humanity through the healing work they were doing at the Casa. These entities somehow had the ability to administer a form of spiritual anesthesia that allowed people to go through physical surgeries without pain, if such surgeries were deemed in their best interest rather than the invisible surgeries. We filed through Current room No.1, then current room No.2, Personal Current room and into the operation room. The room was lined with people in wheelchairs and some lying on therapy tables. All of them were wrapped in blankets and seemed to be in trance. This room had two banks of fifteen leather clad chairs with a central isle. When we were all seated Joao with Entity came into the room, said a few words in Portuguese and then left. Arturo then told us that if any of us requied a physical operation and were qualified for same ie. We were between the ages of eighteen and fifty two then come to the front. Five or six people stepped forward and were led out , back into the room where Joao with Entity was. Arturo went on to say that we were to sit with our eyes closed and to place our right hand over the afflicted part. If we did not know where this was or we had more than one afflicted area, then we were to sit with our right hand on our heart. He said that the Entities knew where to go and that they could perform up to nine operations on any one person at any one time. We closed our eyes and placed our right hands appropriately. Immediately that tingling and pulsating started. A man in a wheelchair with the most compelling voice started to talk in Portuguese. That was it, I with several others just felt overwhelmed with emotion and broke down, crying. I have not cried since I fell off my bike as a lad. In what seemed a very short time we were told to open our eyes and leave the room. Arturo was waiting for us outside and led us all to a veranda out of the sun. We were told to get our new prescription of herbs, fill out an operation form and have our photographs taken for the records. Now the post op rules were outlined to us:-
We were to go back to our pousadas the locals name for inns -by taxi right away, go to bed and not get up for twenty four hours. On the Thursday night following we had to wear white night clothes and sleep in a bed with white sheets. A glass of blessed water was to be placed by the bedside and drunk next morning after 5:00 am. During this night our stitches would be removed by the Entities. We were told that the Entities would visit at night during the next week to continue their healing work. The Entities did visit on three occasions. It is a weird experience to be gently shoved, pushed and turned over. For the rest of Friday and all day Saturday I stayed in bed. I couldnt have got up anyway, I was so tired and weak. My eyes hurt if I moved them and bright light troubled me. Later, Jean who is a very good medium, told me what she had seen of my operation. At this time she was not aware of what I had asked for of the Entities. She told me that she watched as the Entities slightly inflated my pancreas and re-arranged the cells. They then moved to my liver and picked off several white blobs which looked like limpets. Jean did not see what the Entities did with my eyes but observed them doing very intricate stitching on the back of both eyes. The work on my pancreas and liver was obviously to do with my diabetes and the stitching on the back of my eyes was after work on my macular degeneration. The following Wednesday soon arrived and whilst I was doing my duty in current the other members of the group were filing past the entity as second timers. Amazingly all six of them, including my wife, were told to report back at 2:00 pm for an operation. Jean and I sat outside during the operations. I asked her if she could tune in and tell me what the Entities were doing to my wife. She told me that she had already done so for all six. In my wifes case, Jean told me that all the skin , tissue, muscle, tendons and ligaments had been stripped back off the left shoulder revealing two severed nerves. These were repaired by inserting a piece of very fine silver wire type fiber into the severed nerve end and similarly into the other end and both ends seemed to fuse together. The other nerve had the same treatment after which all muscle, tendon, ligaments, and skin were replaced in the correct position. At the same time the Entities were examining and rearranging cells in Sues body and legs. I then told Jean that Sue had a frozen shoulder for eighteen months which had defied several types of therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, Reiki etc. Sue also has a gene which is hereditary and gives her a 90% chance of deep vein thrombosis.
During the Casa rest days there were trips into the capital for sight seeing and shopping. Other trips took in mountains, waterfalls, the Rain Forrest and other places of interest but I am sure that you are more interested in the outcome of our operations. Sue now has 99% mobility in her shoulder and it gives her no discomfort. With regard to her naughty gene, she wont know until it has been tested at the hospital. The same applies to my diabetes but I can report that ny blood sugar dropped off the lower end of the scale and I had to reduce my medicine by half to get it back into the acceptable range When I arrived in Brazil I only had 30% peripheral vision with no centre eye vision. I now have about 70% peripheral vision and very marked improvement in my centre eye vision. All other members of the group reported improvements in their ailments.
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