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Mini-Series by Ann Albers and the Angels
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Last week we talked about guidance. Not to fear, you may have received some and you may not! The universe has its own time that is always kindest to us if we can deal with the wait. Impatience, my angels tell me, is simply fear wearing a mask. It says "show me so I can have faith!" I've found that if I really have worked through my negative beliefs around what I am manifesting, patience is easy! I expect the thing or situation I'm manifesting to come at the perfect time. Now what happens when you get guidance? Answer - its time to act on it... but only if it feels good to you. The angels will pour opportunities into your life when its time but you don't have to say "yes" to all of them. For example, over the past year I had the opportunity to create a nationally syndicated radio show and be on TV as well. However, given my life and where I am at, balance is a higher priority and so I chose that. I trust that when I want those other things in my life, new opporutunities will present themselves. However, when I receive guidance that feels right, I JUMP. And I mean I do it without question, no matter how weird it sounds. My favorite example is the time I was manifesting meeting a publisher. I got this STRONG desire to go to the library. So I went and got in my head, and looked around for hours like an idiot, trying to find a book on publishers that felt right. Nothing. I settled for a couple of good craft books and checked out. In the checkout line I was attracted to a bright orange flyer. I picked up a copy, flipped it one and there it was -- a free seminar -- HOW TO GET YOUR MANUSCRIPT in the Hands of a Publisher. I went, met a wonderful publisher who mentored me many hours for free!! It was awesome. Another example was the time a client of mine was flunking a class due to a bad test score and she wanted to drop out. The angels recommended that she go tell the professor why she was dropping out. It didn't make sense but it felt right, so she did. He not only raised her grade but gave her some pointers on a job opportunity. So when you have the guidance or the urge to do something that feels right, no matter how odd, go for it and leave the expectations behind! Spirit works in the most odd ways! Another good friend of mine met her husband the one night she went out to the bars with a friend, and this woman NEVER went out, didn't even feel like it too strongly but something in her said go so compellingly that she did. Voila...happily married :)! Another woman got a craving for a specific dish at a specific restaurant. She NEVER went out alone, but this time she honored herself (her guidance) and went. She sat alone at a table and offered a chair to another woman who was alone. They got to talking. Lo and behold, the first woman wanted to sell her house and the second wanted to buy it! Talk about a perfect setup. God works miracles when you honor your guidance, and don't forget guidance can come via simple desires and feelings as well as miraculous communication with heaven! So for fun -- ask your angels to guide you to small treasures this week -- wonderful experiences that bring you joy. See where it all leads and practice experiencing more joy! Have a great
week! It is best to wait a week before visiting: Please visit Ann's Page in Prosperity |
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